I have started a fanclub for actor surya at yahoo groups in 2001. Since then I had the great chance to count surya himself among with his close circle people in this fanclub. We have been added as suryas official fanclub in his official website. Eventhough now galatta has removed the link to it, I am still proud to be his fan and count him in our fanclub, we keep in touch with his secretary, his friends and cousin through suryas fanclub.
Its great to know that he knows all the updates about the fanclub and eventhough he is quite busy, we had the opportunity have a club chat with Surya (and also see him on the webcam) in 2003, thanks to his brother Karthi who organized everything. Even karthi was so nice to do this...I am a die hard surya fan and I would invite you guys to join the suryas fanclub in yahoo groups and support such a down to earth and wonderful actor.