Sunday, 30 May 2010

Vijay Awards 2009

Congrats to our star Surya. There is no shortcut to success and he is an example! His hard work has been awarded yet again.

*Best welfare provider - Surya (Agaram foundation)

*Entertainer Of the year-Surya (For Ayan & Aadhavan)

RELATED categories

* Best music director - Harris Jayaraj (Aadhavan)

* Best female singer - Chinmaye(Vaarayo Vaarayo)

* Best Male singer - Karthik(Hasili Fisile)

Congratulations to the other winners who also played a part in Surya's success.

May 30th Singam ad

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Singam HQ still - Part 2

Thanks to "Prashanth from Chennai" for this pic.

Click on the image for clear view.

May 25th Singam ads

Check local listings by clicking on the image below. Download the file and view accordingly.

Theater lists of Bangalore , Chennai , Coimbatore , Erode , Tiruppur , Madurai , Tenkasi , Nagercoil , Salem , Tirunelveli and areas under these places covered here. Watch this space for more.

Official Singam Website

Saturday, 22 May 2010

Saturday, 15 May 2010

Surya-AR Murugadoss Disconnect Nolan’S ‘Inception’

Few hours left for making official confirmations about Suriya-Murugadoss’ next project and much prior, there’s a flimsy buzz about it.

Just as Murugadoss had said that ‘This film with Suriya will be a new-patterned film made in India for the first time.’ Awestruck in surprise, his buffs were ardently looking for more info and that gave away a room for rumors to shoot up.

Buzzes are air were that Murugadoss’ next with Suriya is based on Christopher Nolan’s ‘Inception’. It’s noteworthy that Murugadoss’ ‘Ghajini’ was indeed the inspiration of Nolan’s ‘Mementos’. Possibly, this connection has seemingly put along such stories on the way.

Nonetheless, the closer sources have confirmed that it’s a baseless rumor and as there are not even a percent of similarity between these films.

‘Inception’ is produced by Christopher Nolan himself in collaboration with Warner Bros. Set in the backdrops of USA, the film revolves around a smart-n-deadly thief (Leonardo Di Caprio), who has the ability to steal the secrets from his victims’ subconscious mind, when they are in a vulnerable stage, i.e during their dreams.

Obviously, he has a dangerous price to pay for it as he looses out his beloved ones for his act. When his life is jeopardized, he is left with one option.

Accepting a deal from group…

This time, it’s not about stealing the secret, but placing an idea into a victim’s mind…

Remember this! The victim is more powerful than the protagonist himself and he’s closely watching his steps.

Will he be able to pull this task?


Surya loves to play diverse characters

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Friday, 14 May 2010

Singam to be released on 28th May

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Vivek Sings ‘Singh Is King’

It’s Picture perfect for comedy actor Vivek, as he seems to have experimented with a new-dimensioned comedy tracks in his upcoming film ‘Singam’.

Vivek’s combo with Suriya:

The film brings back Surya and Vivek for the second time after ‘Perazhagan’. They together had tickled our funny bones with their uproarious tracks. Now, it is going to be more amusing with their ‘Singam’.

Magic works with Hari:

During a recent interaction, Vivek had manifested Hari for having given him an efficient role in ‘Singam’ just as it was with their previous film ‘Saamy’. He is sure as shooting as stars with this commercial entertainer.

Vivek sings ‘Singh is King’:

Vivek takes on the role of Aettu Aerimalai and what makes him different from Suriya, who’s another cop. ‘So simple’ says Vivek, who jocularly adds that Suriya and he’ll do the same acts that has different results. The film has a specific situation where a Sub-inspector asks Vivek to block a lorry smuggling goods. Finally, he finds a Sardarji on and traps only to find that the lorry is empty.

Praising the ‘Singh’ community, he starts crooning a song in the form of ‘Jai Ho’ and waves hand for him. Finally, he is shocked to hear that the lorry itself was smuggled by Sardarji.

Thursday, 13 May 2010

Suryas interview at NDTV


The hot and happening hunks of B-town are globally acclaimed personalities of western world. But their fascination for Tamil Cinema never seems to an end. It’s like that they don’t miss even a single Tamil flick and they’ve proven of their widespread knowledge on our films much more than our own people in Kollywood.

What’s this contestation all about?

John Abraham and Abhishek Bachchan are now wildly getting into the race of remaking one of the Surya’s biggest blockbusters ‘Ayan’. These superstars have become devotees of this film and are looking to remake it.

John Abraham’s connection with Suriya

Much prior to this film, John Abraham has been watching all the films of Suriya and is now reported to remake his ‘Kaakha Kaakha’. The Hindi remake will be directed by ‘Mumbai Meri Jaan’, ‘Evano Oruvan’ fame Nishikant Kamat

RGV is A Master Of Experimentation - Suriya

For years, Ram Gopal Varma has been working on Raktha Charitra (RC), a story about the life of Paritala Ravi, prime suspect in many murders. At last, the story will be narrated on celluloid.

The movie stars Vivek Oberoi and Suriya in a pivotal role. The film is being made simultaneously in Hindi, Telugu and Tamil. Rakta Charitra's press meet was held at the Taj Coromendal Hotel in Chennai today.

Filmmaker Ram Gopal Varma, Suriya and others were present at the venue to let mediapersons know what RC is all about.

The film is titled as Raktha Charitram in Tamil. "This is my ambitious project, RC is a true story that happened in Andhra years ago. It had a deep impact on me and now I am happy to make the celluloid version.

When I finished the script, I thought only of Suriya for the role because he fits the bill perfectly. I was always fascinated by Suriya's eyes. He has the intensity to carry this role.

You will see a new Suriya in RC," director Ram Gopal Varma said. "RGV is a master of experimentation. When he (RGV) narrated this script to me, I thought I must be part of this project. Also there would be Tamil and Telugu versions. So I thought I'd get a chance to simultaneously be on home ground and try something new. RC will be liked by all,"

Suriya revealed. Rakta Charitra will have actor Vivek Oberoi as rebel-turned politician Paritala Ravi, one of the most feared individuals in the blood-ridden faction politics of South India. Suriya will play the role of Maddalcheruvu Suri, Paritala Ravi's opponent;

Suriya's role is almost equal to that of the lead protagonist. Ram Gopal Varma's script reportedly lasts for about five hours on screen.

Hence, he divided the theme into two parts: Rakta Charitra 1 and Rakta Charitra 2. While the first part shows the rise of Paritala Ravi from forest to ballot, the second part deals with how he was trapped in the conspiracies of opponents.

Rakta Charitra is co-produced by Sheetal Talwar and Madhu Mantena; Mani Sharma is the music director.

Wednesday, 12 May 2010

Suriya is hot for Gul Panag

Suriya is hot for Gul Panag

by IndiaGlitz

Suriya has just started his Bollywood journey and it looks like by the time he reaches the destination the entire Bollywood would be his admirers.

We know Ram Gopal Verma raves about Suriya and particularly his eyes. Now we have a Bollywood beauty rooting for the macho Suriya.

Bollywood Actress and Miss India 1999 Gul Panag has showered praise on Suriya. She has tweeted recently “I bumped into Ram Gopal Varma and southern star Suriya last night, while at dinner. The latter is as hot as he is rumoured to be.”

The hot Suriya will be making his debut in Bollywood with RGV’s ‘Raththa Charithram’ whose trailer is already making news about Suriya. What more Suriya?